file.h5 ├── annotations group for all annotations │   ├── object_annotations group for object annotations │   │   ├── 0 random group number, one group for each annotation │   │   │   ├── description description │   │   │   ├── object_annotation_id annotation id │   │   │   └── title title │   │   ├── … │   │   └── n │   └── track_annotations group for track annotations │   ├── 0 random group number, one group for each annotation │   │   ├── description description │   │   ├── track_annotation_id annotation id │   │   └── title title │   ├── … │   └── n ├── autotracklets group for all automatically recognized autotracklets │ ├── 0 random group number, one for each autotracklet │ │   ├── objects group for objects contained in this auto_tracklet | │ │   ├── 0 -> /objects/frames/0/slices/0/channels/0/4 links to objects contained in this auto_tracklet | │ │   ├── 1 -> /objects/frames/1/slices/0/channels/0/6 | │ │   ├── … -> /objects/frames/1/slices/0/channels/0/… | │ │   └── n -> /objects/frames/1/slices/0/channels/0/n │ │ ├── previous_event -> /events/cell division link to the event │ │ ├── next_event -> /events/cell division link to the event │ │ ├── next group for next autotracklets (if this event has next autotracklets) │ │ │   ├── 0 -> /autotracklets/1 links to the next autotracklets │ │   │   └── 1 -> /autotracklets/2 │ │ ├── previous group for previous autotracklets (if this event has previous autotracklets, more than one in case of unmerge) │ │   │   └── 0 -> /autotracklets/0 link to the previous autotracklets │ │   │   └── 1 -> /autotracklets/2 │ │ ├── start start of the autotracklet (frame id) │ │   ├── end end of the autotracklet (frame id) │ │ └── autotracklet_id autotracklet id │ ├── … │ └── n ├── coordinate_format format of the coordinate system used by the outlines (cartesian) ├── data_format_version version of the data format ├── events group for all possible events │   ├── cell_death group for each event │   │   ├── description description of the event │   │   ├── event_id event id │   │   └── name name of the event │   ├── cell_division │   │   └── … │   ├── cell_lost │   │   └── … │   ├── cell_merge │   │   └── … │   ├── cell_unmerge │   │   └── … │   └── end_of_movie │   └── … ├── images group for all images │   ├── frames group for all frames │   │   ├── 0 frame id │   │   │   ├── slices group for slices contained by this frame │   │   │   │ ├── 0 slice id │   │   │   │ │ ├── channels group for all channels │ │ │ │ │ │ ├── 0 the image data for this channel │   │   │   │ │ │   ├── … │   │   │   │ │ │   └── n │   │   │   │ │ ├── dimensions dimensions of the image (slice) │   │   │   │ │ ├── nchannels number of channels │   │   │   │ │ └── slice_id slice id │   │   │   │ ├── … │   │   │   │ └── n │   │   │   └── frame_id frame id │   │   ├── … │   │   └── n │   ├── frame_rate frame rate │   ├── nframes number of frames in the movie │   ├── nslices number of slices in a frame │   └── slice_shape dataset containing x and y dimensions for example 2x2 (4 slices) ├── info information about the movie, depending on the used conversion method │   └── … ├── objects group for all objects │   ├── frames group for all frames │   │   ├── 0 random group number, one for each frame │   │   │   ├── slices group for all slices │   │   │   │ ├── 0 random group number, one for each slice │   │   │   │ │ ├── channels group for all channels │   │   │   │ │ │   ├── 0 random group number, one for each channel │   │   │   │ │ │   │ ├── objects group for all objects │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ ├── 0 random group number, one for each object (normally equal to object id) │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   ├── bounding_box bounding box of the object │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   ├── centroid centroid of the object │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   ├── channel_id channel id │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   ├── frame_id frame id │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   ├── slice_id slice id │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   ├── object_id object id │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   ├── outline outline of the object │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   ├── packed_mask packed outline of the object (TODO: Move slice id to slices)) │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   └── annotations group for the annotations of this object │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   ├── 0 -> /annotations/object_annotations/2 links to the annotations of this object │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   ├── … -> /annotations/object_annotations/… │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ │   └── n -> /annotations/object_annotations/m │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ ├── … │   │   │   │ │ │   │ │ └── n │   │   │   │ │ │   │ └── channel_id channel id │   │   │   │ │ │ ├── … │   │   │   │ │ │ └── n │   │   │   │ │ ├── dimensions dimensions of the slice │   │   │   │ │ ├── nchannels number of channels in the slice │   │   │   │ │ └── slice_id slice id │   │   │   │ ├── … │   │   │   │ └── n │   │   │   └── frame_id frame id │   │   ├── … │   │   └── n │   ├── frame_rate frame rate │   ├── nframes number of frames in the movie │   ├── nslices number of slices in a frame │   └── slice_shape dataset containing x and y dimensions for example 2x2 (4 slices) └── tracklets group for all tracklets (tracked by the user) ├── 0 random group number, one for each tracklet │   ├── objects group for objects contained in this auto_tracklet | │   ├── 0 -> /objects/frames/0/slices/0/channels/0/4 links to objects contained by this tracklet | │   ├── 1 -> /objects/frames/1/slices/0/channels/0/6 | │   ├── … -> /objects/frames/1/slices/0/channels/0/… | │   └── n -> /objects/frames/1/slices/0/channels/0/n │   ├── previous_event -> /events/cell division link to the event │   ├── next_event -> /events/cell division link to the event │   ├── next group for next tracklets (if this event has next tracklets) │   │   ├── 0 -> /tracklets/1 links to the next tracklets │   │   └── 1 -> /tracklets/2 │   ├── previous group for previous tracklets (if this event has previous tracklets, more than one in case of unmerge) │   │   ├── 0 -> /tracklets/0 link to the previous tracklets │   │   └── 1 -> /tracklets/2 │   ├── annotations group for the annotations of this tracklets │   │ ├── 0 -> /annotations/track_annotations/1 links to the annotations of this tracklet │   │ ├── … -> /annotations/track_annotations/… │   │ └── n -> /annotations/track_annotations/m │   ├── start start of the tracklet (frame id) │   ├── end end of the tracklet (frame id) │   └── tracklet_id tracklet id ├── … └── n EVENTS: cell death (as next_event): … ├── next_event -> /events/cell_death link to the event … cell dead (as previous_event): not possible cell division (as next_event): … ├── next_event -> /events/cell_division link to the event ├── next group for next tracklets │   ├── 0 -> /tracklets/1 links to the next tracklets │   └── 1 -> /tracklets/2 … cell division (as previous_event): … ├── previous_event -> /events/cell_division link to the event ├── previous group for previous tracklet │   └── 0 -> /tracklets/0 … cell lost (as next_event): … ├── next_event -> /events/cell_lost link to the event … cell lost (as previous_event): not possible cell merge (as next_event): … ├── next_event -> /events/cell_merge link to the event ├── next group for next tracklet │   └── 0 -> /tracklets/1 … cell merge (as previous_event): … ├── previous_event -> /events/cell_merge link to the event ├── previous group for previous tracklets │   ├── 0 -> /tracklets/0 link to the previous tracklets │   └── 1 -> /tracklets/2 … cell unmerge (as next_event): … ├── next_event -> /events/cell_unmerge link to the event ├── next group for next tracklets │   ├── 0 -> /tracklets/1 links to the next tracklets │   └── 1 -> /tracklets/2 … cell unmerge (as previous_event): … ├── previous_event -> /events/cell_unmerge link to the event ├── previous group for previous tracklet │   └── 0 -> /tracklets/1 … end of movie (as next_event): automatically set when a tracklet reaches the end of the movie … ├── next_event -> /events/end_of_movie link to the event … end of movie (as previous_event): not possible vim: tabstop=8 textwidth=0